
Suzumoto Miyu blog: Love for all and love for one


Suzumoto Miyu

Good evening --

Recently, my love for the members has been overflowing.
It's so much fun to be with everyone.
The talk is funny and we laugh all the time.

Now when I think there's a day off coming up, I feel a bit sad.

Just now when Oda Nana said:
"Aren't we going out?"   [Watashitachi tsukiatteru mon ne?]
I was tongue-tied.  [Oda was just talking about something like going out to the store with everyone, but that "mon" made Mon's imagination race to a more romantic meaning of "going out."]


See ya.


__________________________________________________  posted 170324  16:29h


  1. I ship this couple so hard. Ever since their food review on keyakitte kakenai a while back during Sekai campaign!

  2. why do I feel like Mon's love to Oda isn't as pure as Oda's love to Kobayashi, like its just for entertain matter

  3. I really don't know how to take any of this. Except to enjoy it. Maybe they're both just playing with exaggerating real feelings. I have sometimes wondered if Oda Nana was in part trying to draw Pon out of her shell a bit.

  4. The girls have have through a lot together which builds strong bonds. If liking Oda keeps Mon smiling, let that ship keep sailing... we're certainly enjoying the posts.
