
Interview: Fujiyoshi Karin and Morita Hikaru

with Magazine September 2021



Morita – It feels to me as if all the members do what they do for the sake of the group


-- The difference between the 1 gens and the 2 gens is…?

Morita: The 2gens get along especially well. The day we were selected, we all went out to dinner together.

Fujiyoshi: Oh! Yes, we did (laughs).

Morita: Right from that time, there has been no feeling of distance between us. No matter who’s with whom, everyone can feel happy and at ease. But when it’s time to be serious, everyone is able to express their own opinion. I think that everyone’s earnestness is very cute.

Fujiyoshi: I thought of saying that we’re like students, but it’s better to say that the atmosphere is like boys of student age. Thinking of it this way makes me smile. The feeling is like naïve and innocent boys. Really very cute.

Morita: I’ve always wanted to work at something I liked doing. Until we became Sakurazaka46, we went through a lot of troubles. It’s hard to put these things in words. But in the process of becoming an idol I realized something: that you can’t achieve anything alone. “We can only achieve things because we’re all together!” This has become the foundation of everything.

Fujiyoshi: I’ve really received a lot of help. Not long after becoming a 2gen, the other 2gens all said to me: “Karin should just relax and do as she pleases.” Starting then, my feeling of wanting to live honestly burst out, and I suddenly became someone who dared to express her own opinion. Before that, I worried about it. I thought this group was created by our seniors, and maybe it wouldn’t be good to interfere too much…. Everyone was so kind to me.

Morita: So Karin-chan can always express her own opinions. But I myself do tend to agree with her opinions.

Fujiyoshi: I think I really am the type who can out forward my own opinions. But usually only Hikaru agrees with me (laughs).


Fujiyoshi -- Usually only Hikaru has the same opinion I do (lol).