Good sense, 164
Nagahama Neru
Good evening ~
Today, February 7th
Starting at 6:55 pm I will be on TV Tokyo's
"30 Seconds of Truth Stranger Than Fiction, Must-See TV"
Three of us: Moriya, Sugai and I will appear.
Sunshine Ikezaki's 30 seconds are amazing!!
Definitely, please watch.
Also, also
Since it's Tuesday
The drama "Quartet" will be on!!!!!
I work hard all week in anticipation of this drama.
Every word of the script touches my heartstrings.
I really love it.
The expression in the script
Mizo-mizo shimasu" is truly of deep interest.
[note: explanation after the post]
Even though it was the first time I'd heard the words said
I just somehow got a sense of what they meant...
The words don't just convey sound or meaning.
So interesting~
They go so far ( ´-` ).。oO