
Kakizaki Memi blog posts (4) -- Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

Kakizaki Memi

Good evening.

It's Kakizami Memi.

2016 is coming to an end...
Unbelievable (((((((・・;)

I have experienced so many things for the first time this year.
It has been so, so full.

I took the Hiragana Keyaki auditions without thinking too deeply about it, and had such a low level of awareness.
But as I have been taking part in activities as a member of Hiragana Keyaki, my ways of seeing things and thinking about things have been changing, and maybe it has become a year in which I have little by little been growing up.

To everyone who has supported me,
Truly, thank you very much!

In 2016, I had no confidence in myself.
I was always unsure.

So in 2017, I will work hard to have more self-confidence!

Please continue to treat me well in 2017!

↑ Even though it's katakana,
This is the Hiragana Keyaki pose (lol)
Please remember it ♥

Kakizaki Memi

posted 2016/12/31 23:51

The Hiragana Keyaki sign looks more like a romaji "k" than katakana, but anyway, it's foreign. Lol.

Memi may feel as if she has no self-confidence, but that's actually not how it looks from the outside, at least to me....

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