
Kakizaki Memi blog post: snip-snip


Kakizaki Memi

It's Kakizaki Memi.

Yesterday, Top Yell came out.
It has Mirei, Mei and Memi -- the three members whose names start with "m," lol.

A poster comes with it, too. 
Please be sure to take a look (๑•᎑•๑)


Also, in the Bubka that comes out today
The 3rd-year middle-school combo of Kage-chan (Kageyama Yuuka) and me
Has been given the chance to appear.

Kage-chan's soccer talk burst out again...lol.

I really don't understand it at all.
All I understand is that Kage-chan's knowledge of soccer is amazing!

I welcome you to take a look at that, too <(_ _*)>

I got my hair cut!

Can you tell ~??

I really did get it cut ~!!

My friends didn't notice at all (._.)

Did all of you notice? 

I have always had long hair
But someday I'll try short hair

Even though it doesn't suit me in the least (lol). 


Kakizaki Memi
2016/12/08 14:57


Look at the photo of Memi and Kage-chan. Memi's hair is so much thicker and more lustrous. She has always seemed to have amazing hair. If she had lived a thousand years ago, in Heian times, she would have been called a beauty just for her hair (if she had grown it almost to the floor, as they did then). In the upper reaches of society, men never saw the faces of women they weren't related to, so hair, clothing, voice, and manner were what counted. 

Kage-chan, Mii-pan and Meimei are three (of many) Hiraganas who impressed in the Omotenashikai live show. Kage-chan could dance, was always smiling, and kept finding ways to draw attention. Mii-pan (Sasaki Mirei) led the amazing chorus club and danced Suzumoto's part in the dance duet in SekaAi (not as well as Suzumoto, but well). And Meimei (Higashimura Mei) kept drawing my eye for her dancing and bright smile.

I had been prepared for Memi herself to be a bit inadequate, but that was not the case. She moved nicely, and even sharply where the choreography called for it. Yes, she's barely 15, but her baby face conceals a confident nature, some athletic ability, and a hard-working disposition.


  1. ah, with a username like "ukifune" I guessed you might like Heian culture (or just the Tale of Genji).

    thanks for the post as always.

  2. Yes, quite right. I wouldn't want to have lived then, but I love the Genji and Heian poetry. They were really the first things to attract me to Japanese culture. "Murasaki Shikibu" is one of my heroes, a literary genius and a remarkable woman, and I made a point of visiting her (supposed) grave in Kyoto the first time I went to Japan.
