
K46 member popularity as measured by mentions in Twitter profiles

There's a guy on 2channel who posts monthly compilations of how often each member of Keyakizaka46 (Kanji and Hiragana) is included in someone's Twitter profile in Japan. This is a rough measure of how much each member is supported by fans on Twitter.

Neru is far and away the most popular member, by this measure. Manaka comes second, Risa third, and Hirate only fourth. Here's today's list:

name - mentions (increase Nov9-Dec9)
Nagahama Neru 長濱ねる 3,610 (267)
Shida Manaka 志田愛佳 2,601 (319)
Watanabe Risa 渡邉理佐 2,390 (238)
Hirate Yurina 平手友梨奈 2,267 (269)
Imaizumi Yui 今泉佑唯 2,030 (171)
Watanabe Rika 渡辺梨加 1,824 (98)
Sugai Yuuka 菅井友香 1,584 (219)
Koike Minami 小池美波 1,183 (178)
Kobayashi Yui 小林由依 1,170 (31)
Moriya Akane 守屋茜 884 (172)
Uemura Rina 上村莉菜 877 (81)

Suzumoto Miyu 鈴本美愉 519 (57)
Nagasawa Nanako 長沢菜々香 518 (69)
Harada Aoi 原田葵 459 (58)
Satou Shiori 佐藤詩織 383 (49)
Ishimori Nijika 石森虹花 379 (7)
Habu Mizuho 土生瑞穂 373 (14)
Ozeki Rika 尾関梨香 344 (14)
Oda Nana 織田奈那 330 (11)
Katou Shiho 加藤史帆 238 (42)
Yonetani Nanami 米谷奈々未 219 (14)
Saitou Fuyuka 齋藤冬優花 169 (24)
Kakizaki Memi 柿崎芽実 153 (28)
Kageyama Yuuka 影山優佳 130 (25)
Sasaki Kumi 佐々木久美 127 (14)
Takamoto Ayaka 高本彩花 105 (23)
Saitou Kyouko 齊藤京子 101 (12)
Sasaki Mirei 佐々木美玲 56 (7)
Higashimura Mei 東村芽依 56 (17)
Ushio Sarina 潮紗理菜 54 (7)
Takase Mana 高瀬愛奈 32 (2)
Iguchi Mao 井口眞緒 18 (▲1)

After Hirate come Zuumin, Berika and Sugai. It's striking that Koike Minami has jumped up ahead of KobaYui behind Sugai. Next come Akanen and Uemura. Moving to the front line hasn't increased Aoi's totals as much as it did Koike's.

Katou Shiho is the most mentioned Hiragana member, coming ahead of Yone-san and Fuu-chan. After them come the rest of the Hiraganas, starting with Memi, Kage-chan and Kumi. Mao-chan is dead last. Her strong and hilarious personality hasn't yet found its footing. Did management make a mistake in choosing her? Or will her reserves of amazingness kick in?

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, so I'm not mistaken when during Neru birthday I saw a huge spike of happy birthday post for her. She is that popular.
