
"Gross!" -- what idols really think of handshake events

From Buzz Plus News, reported by "marie." Translated and adapted. There's no proof this is a real interview, but it makes sense to me. Maybe some idols just enjoy handshake events, but I think many may feel like the supposed interviewee.

Pretty well all guys would like to shake hands with a cute girl. Fans pay hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars to buy CDs, etc., so they can get tickets to meet the idols they like. But what do the girls feel? Do they really enjoy handshake events?

We were able to speak with Miss S, an idol in her twenties, a member of a well-known multi-member idol group. She agreed to tell us what she really felt, as long as we did not reveal her name or identity.

reporter -- Are handshake events enjoyable for idols?

Idol --  Before the event starts, we peek out at the crowd without being seen. We think: so many people have come! Wonderful! So many are still coming! I'm so happy!!

reporter -- How do you feel during the handshake event itself?

Idol -- "Gross." Generally, they all seem gross. (laughs) I really feel grateful when all the fans are gathering, but when I'm face-to-face with them, it's no good. They're all sick-making. It's a comfort when an occasional handsome guy comes, but when you talk to him, he's gross, or he smells gross. In the end, everyone seems gross!

reporter -- That must be very hard emotionally -- shaking hands with them over such a long period of time.

Idol -- So you play little mental games with yourself. Like when you look at their faces, it's "gross, gross, handsome, gross, gross, gross, handsome, gross..." Like that. "Three handsome ones in a row and I'll have sushi tonight." (laughs)

reporter -- Does your hand get tired from shaking hands so often?

Idol -- It does get tired, but the worst thing is it gets dirty.

reporter -- What do you mean?

Idol -- All these gross guys with sweaty hands. Your hands get sticky with something unidentifiable and end up smelling weird. You can't see it, but by the last half of a session, your hands are all sticky and greasy. Besides sweat and oil, there are other things. Anyway, it's disgusting. After it's over, I wash my hands right away -- five times, with soap. I hate the filthy hands more than the rough hands you get.

reporter -- There are some women, too, I think. Do you hate shaking hands with the women, too?

Idol -- You know about that! Shaking women's hands is a relief! And they all have nice manners. Shaking hands with women is the most comforting part of the event. But I feel apologetic toward them: I can't avoid getting their hands dirty, too. I feel so sorry for them. I silently apologize to them from the bottom of my heart.

reporter --  Is it just you who hates handshake events so much? If it is just you, is this revealing too much?

Idol -- It's okay. Everyone feels the same way.

The comments above are the thoughts of the beautiful Miss S. I can't say they are the opinions of everyone in idol groups. But at least we know these opinions do exist in groups. 

In any case, try as much as possible to keep yourself neat and clean. Make it a challenge not to seem gross. At least if she can keep clean, an idol can feel better doing her work.

I hesitated whether to post this. I like the fantasy as much as anyone, and don't really want to follow reality too closely. But I think the ideas here are interesting. And if they help some handshake guests to make efforts to be as clean and presentable as possible, for the sake of the girls, it will have had a bit of good effect.


  1. I wouldn't doubt that there are definitely some members that aren't social, don't like talking to strangers so they just fake it, or just thinks some fans are gross....but in the end these fans are the reason they have a career so I hope they act professional.

    There are other members that really seems like they like interacting with fans like AKB's Nana that stood for in hrs to greet fans instead of sitting in chair like other members.

    Anyway there's really no credibility to this interview lol this could be made up for all we know because there are no proves so many aspects are exaggerated for clickbaits

    1. Oh I forgot members do remember certain fans that comes to events so they probably don't hate them or they wouldn't bother

  2. Hmmm I don't think idols are angels that love all their fans but I don't see the point of these trash articles. There's no proof this is real and but I can see some people that are anti idols use this "see idol fans are gross f*cks and their idols hate them lololol"
    If you're translating rumors and stuffs can you pls do it with more credible source than some random Internet article said this?

  3. Should just put a hand sanitizer station near the beginning of the line then.

    1. They do put handsanitizers according to fan accounts of people that go to AKB handshake. Those usher guys in suits check their hands before they meet the girls too

  4. As I warned in the piece, this interview could be made up. But the bit about feeling happy to see everyone coming made the interview seem a bit reliable, to me.

    Whether the piece is strictly true or not, I think it's good to consider the reality of the situation. Some idols may love to greet everyone. And definitely some idols that I follow do remember guests' names (according to the guests' tweets, anyway). But just imagine having to greet all these guys, some of whom don't like you and are there to put you down, and some of whom really are not very attractive people.

    Clearly, most idols are professional about the whole thing. They realize who pays the bills, and it's these guys. And most guests really do like you, so that aspect is probably easy to enjoy. But from reports, it seems that some idols don't have much fun at this. Hirate doesn't seem to enjoy it much. Risa gets by by being a bit S. Neru blows hot and cold. And so on. I'd rather the idol were at least a bit honest, rather than just faking happy feelings to everyone in a professional way. I have wondered if some of the strain that has laid Zuumin low came from her outstanding professionalism, giving such good handshake service.

    I hesitated to translate this, interesting as it was, because I really didn't want to put the fans down (being one of them). But in the end, I just found it too interesting. Sorry.

    By the way, I understand that there is in fact hand sanitizer there for fans to use just before they meet the idol. I even wonder if the hand sanitizer causes some of the gross feeling the supposed idol refers to.
