
Sugai Yuuka blog: Fukyouwaon will have its galactic debut on Friday

Kochi Hoshi ☆彡.。

Sugai Yuuka

Good evening ☆彡.。

For the first time in a while,
I appeared on last Friday's broadcast of the
Keyakizaka46 Yuurakuchou Starry Sky Broadcasting Company radio show.

Since we were commemorating the show's 50th broadcast
We spoke somewhat seriously
About Keyakizaka46 ⌄̈⃝

Thank you very much
To everyone who listened!

Radio really is fun \( ¨̮ )/

And what do you know!?
On this week's broadcast, on 17 March, our 4th single,
Fukyouwaon, will have its galactic debut.

It starts at 24:20 on Nippon Housou.

The hour is a little late, and it will mean staying up,
But please be absolutely sure
To listen, okay? ✧ \( °∀° )/ ✧

And with that,
Good night ☆☾︎


__________________________________________ written 170315 evening, posted by staff 170316 00:54

Sugai-san, as captain, announces the first broadcast of the new single. It's only hours away now. About 37 of them.

The title of the post,"Kochi Hoshi," is the short form of the name of the radio show.  


  1. Just a quick correction, こち星 is pronounced as Kochi Hoshi, as it's short for
    KOCHIra yuurakuchou HOSHIzora housoukyoku.

    Looking forward to this broadcast :D
