
Saitou Fuyuka now stalking KobaYui: "It's not Pon-Inspection"

Oda Nana has been taking stalkerish photos of Kobayashi Yui for months now, and including them in a series she calls "Pon Inspection." Now Saitou Fuyuka has taken a couple of excellent shots of Pon unaware.


Yui-pon from behind seems so much like a girlfriend.
So cute I took her picture.

Small head, her whole body delicate and elegant,
Such lovely hair....

Ah, but this isn't 'Pon Inspection.'

I wonder if the photos get across how cute she is."

Fuu-chan gives this the hash tag: #最近欅不足なあなたへ届けるメンバーの可愛さ ("#showing members' cuteness to people recently suffering from Keyakizaka-deficiency").

Hmm. I want to see the glasses from the front....

Here are some more photos of Pon:

(l-r) Oda Nana, Kobayashi Yui, Ozeki Rika

The tendrils of romance are spreading through Keyakizaka. We have Oda-Pon, Mon-Oda, Mona-Risa, Neru-Techi and a whole series of other potential relationships. And now romance has spread to Hiragana: Memi says she has come to love Kyonko and keeps coming up and hugging her, while Kyonko tries to get away. It appears that management has given the green light to developing these stories for publicity -- but allow me to believe there is some reality to them, too.

Fuu-chan's blog post (Japanese).

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