
Kakizaki Memi blog: Showroom broadcast, with video and a bit about Hirate

I forgot how ~

Kakizaki Memi

Good evening,
It's Kakizaki Memi.

Yesterday I did a Showroom.
I hadn't done an individual Showroom in so long, and I was so nervous that I completely forgot how I'd done them before. We didn't really get to talk at all (×∀×๑ )

Next time, I hope I can really talk with you more, and have a fun broadcast with everyone!!

Thank you very much to those who watched ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )

I'd be very happy if you watch next time!

It appears that they will let you know when I'm on if you "follow" me, and you won't have to worry about missing it.


↑ You can follow me from here.

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Recently I've been listening to Mr. Children songs.
I like Shirushi and Joutouku, Irodori and Fireworks, etc.

I want to see some fireworks... I want to go to a summer festival...
That would be great.


Kakizaki Memi
__________________________________________ written 170716 evening, posted by staff 170717  01:58h

When I watched her Showroom live, I was disappointed that she seemed to be less simple and direct, more confused, and that she had not set it up so she could look directly into the camera, as she did so well last year. But watching it a second time, she was really there: the same person, with the same quiet directness and transparency. And the same extraordinary cuteness. Not cute from having perfect features, etc., but from her sneaky-sweet attitude and feminine gestures. And she really did seem that full year older than she was last year.

Next time, I think she should do without help from others. Katoshi, much as I love her, simply talked too much and tried to fill the dead air. Memi is at her best in a quiet atmosphere, going at her own pace. That's what attracted me to her a year ago: no rushing, no desperation to fill up the space. She should leave that to talkers like Mii-Pan and Kage-chan. One seeing is worth a thousand tellings.

Anyway, here's the show:

One thing you may notice is that her top front teeth are a bit closer together now, and both her upper and lower teeth seem to have braces of some kind. I've always been against straightening out her vampire fangs, but I recognize the PR need. As long as they leave the gap between her incisors and her canine teeth, and leave her canine teeth sharp, I'm okay with it. She said last year that people often said her teeth were like a vampire's, and that pleased her. Call it a "charm point," lol.

Someone asked her to tell something about Techi. She said Techi was very cute and that she loved her a lot (with a sneaky smile to the side). She said that when they went out together to eat one time, they had ice cream first and pasta second, because Techi said she really wanted to eat the ice cream right away.  It was matcha (green tea) flavour.

Here is a photo of Yurina and Memi promoting the "renewal" of the Sony Music Shop:

Commenters on 2channel and elsewhere say how happy they are to see "Techi the kid," and for Techi to have a friend her own age to talk to. Someone called it "calming." One comment called Memi the one who "rescued Techi from the darkness." Surely a huge exaggeration, but nice to think of.

I'd like to see them together, to know if Memi really treats her as an equal or if she can't help treating her as an admired senpai. Maybe it's possible to do both.

We see in the first half of this Showroom how much of an amaenbou Memi is: her instinct is to wheedle help from others. I personally find this cute only briefly, lol. I was gratified to see that she could drop it easily, and that she seemed quite together, in her own way, as the show went on.

She did have technical problems: viewers' comments totally disappeared from her screen, so she had nothing to respond to. Katoshi couldn't fix the problem at all in the few minutes she was there. Takemoto came in to help and also accomplished nothing. Memi decided to restart the system and things improved. Finally, I think a technician snuck in and fixed the problem.

One of the things I like about Memi is that she doesn't seem to be putting on a show. She seems to respond to things directly. Of course, you'd think an idol, being an entertainer, should be putting on a show. Clearly that's what Katoshi thought. But Memi's own natural style works better for me -- despite (or because of) the silences while she reads comments and we watch her mobile face reacting. Memi being herself is the show, for me.

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