
Kakizaki Memi blog: Mona Kingdom, BUBKA magazine


Kakizaki Memi

Good evening,
It's Kakizaki Memi.

Thank you to everyone who came to yesterday's special event, and to the handshake event the day before  <(_ _*)>

I'm in the September BUBKA, which came out today ☺
I talk about various things, including myself, and Yurina!

On the cover is everyone from the Mona Kingdom ♥
I want to join the Mona Kingdom, too (lol).
I love Shida-sanーー(*´꒳`*)

September BUBKA, be sure to look at it.



Kakizaki Memi
___________________________________ written evening 170731 (?), posted by staff 170801  02:10h

Memi's post seems a day late -- some members have posted twice since the Saturday handshake event. And she gives us no photo of the candy-apple red yukata she wore on Saturday. Perhaps staff rejected a post for some reason? Perhaps she is busy looking after Yurina? Perhaps she is madly trying to get her summer homework done before taking off on the tour. 

The glasses -- which are new ones we are seeing here for the first time -- suggest study. Girl of a thousand faces. To me she always looks good in glasses, though last year she often said she thought she didn't, that they made her look totally different. Yes, but both good. She said then that she wears them at school. She did get contacts last year, though, so she probably wears those more. In this case, she may be wearing glasses to strategically obscure the dark circles under her eyes, which she may have got from studying too late or looking after Yurina (my total fantasy).

In the original post, she spells the second occurrence of the name of the magazine BUBKA as "BUBUKA," which is how it seems to be pronounced in Japanese. Such minor typos are not uncommon in Memi's posts. She has said that she is not particularly good at schoolwork.

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