
Nagasawa Nanako draws a comic strip!

4-frame manga

Nagawasa Nanako

Good evenaako (*⌒▽⌒*)

My first try.

Keyakizaka: it happens (1)

(read top right to bottom left)

Members often go out together.

Naako: 'Yone-san isn't here yet.'

Today, I'm going on a lunch date with Yonetani Nanami (known as "Yone-san").

Yone-san arrives.

Yone-san: "Sorry I'm late."

Naako: 'Ah! She's here.'

Naako (small head by gate): 'What?'

'Those clothes...'

Keyakizaka: It Happens (1)

even the colour's the same

totally the same

(top left)
'maybe they're sisters'
'they must be very close

Covered in Mechakari 

Thank you for reading.

⊿Nagasawa Nanako

posted 2017/01/10  02:03


For anyone who doesn't happen to know, Keyakizaka did a series of TV ads for the Mechakari clothing rental service: you pay a monthly fee and they send you clothing of your choice. You can have three pieces of designer clothing at any time. The Keyaki-chans get the service for free and make great use of it.

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