
Nagahama Neru blog: When the heart reacts

Flame Test

Nagahama Neru

Good evening.

Recently, I've fallen in love with dried flowers.
I'm drawn to the faded colours.

Basically, I don't believe anything
That I haven't seen or felt directly.

Therefore, if my heart is moved by something when I come across it
The reverberations of that last and last...

There have been many moments that have moved my heart.

The first fireworks of this year were so beautiful ~
Weren't they, Fuu-chan!

And when I went to the vintage clothing shops with Shii-chan,
Many outfits made my heart go pitter-pat.

What a blessing it is
When you come across something that our heart responds to!

Also, today
I have been invited to be on
The Bunka Housou network's Rekomen radio show.

Since I love Otenki Nori-san's and Yukka's
Fun radio show, I'm looking forward to it!

Please feel welcome, starting at midnight.

Thank you very much for reading.

Nagahama Neru
________________________________________________ posted 170612  16:23h

A "flame test" is the chemical test where you heat metal in a flame and can tell what metal it is by the colour of the flame.

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